Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And Then There Were Five

Sharn Inquisitive, Aryth 5th, 998

When the lightning rail left Sharn, three members of the “Bastards of Breland” were alive and well.  However, by the time the train had pulled into the Wroat station on the morning of Ayrth 5th, there was one less member of the “Bastards” that will stand trial in the coming weeks. 

The unlucky soldier was known as Private Wall.  Pvt. Wall was found dead in his cell aboard the train.

House Deneith had several of the infamous Sentinels aboard the train and are not saying what, if anything, they might know.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bastards of Breland Trial Moved to Wroat

Sharn Inquisitive, Aryth 4th, 998

The trial of the Brelish soldiers, nicknamed the “Bastards of Breland”, but otherwise known as a squadron of the Breland 2nd Infantry, is being moved from Sharn to Wroat, capitol of Breland, after several mysterious deaths of the ‘Bastards’.  This move is out of concern for the safety of the defendants.

The defendants are on trial for war crimes committed during the last years of The Last War.  Charges of killing of non-combatants, torture, rape, and grand theft have all held up during the initial grand jury investigation and have now been brought before the high court of Breland. 

Representatives of each country who have brought forth these claims are present at the trial.  This includes Aundair, Breland, New Cyre, and Karrnanth.  Also present are representatives of the twelve houses.

Captain Reynold Mur, recently of House Deneith, was responsible for the squadron of men known as the ‘Bastards of Breland’, as well as many hundreds of other men and women in service.

Lt. Osama Burns, also of House Deneith, was the field commander of the squadron during the war and is under particular scrutiny.

The members of the ‘Bastards’ in custody are:

  • Sgt. Meeks.  Meeks is a landowner on the outskirts of Sharn.
  • Pvt. Sneak.   Sneak is rumored to be connected to an unnamed syndicate in Sharn as an enforcer.
  • Pvt. Wall. Wall is known to be employed by the businessman, Boss Hugo.

The members of the ‘Bastards’ who have been recently killed are:

  • Sgt. Pike, Deceased. Sgt. Pike was pushed off the High Court Bridge during the early morning of Sypheros 24th.  When his body was later recovered it was found tangled in the suspension of a lower bridge with a noose around its neck.
  • Pvt. Shield, Deceased.  Shield was found dead in his cell in the early morning of Sypheros 25th.  Shield was known to be employed by the businessman, Boss Hugo.
  • Pvt. Dog, Deceased.  Dog was killed sometime during the transit on the Sharn-Wroat connection of the lightning rail on Arhth 1st.  Dog was the owner of the Lifted Leg bar located in the Sharn lower Cogs.

Their is one remaining member of the ‘Bastards’ that needs to be brought to trial.

  • Pvt. Ghost.  Ghost is living up to his namesake as he has never been found to answer for his crimes.  A reward of $1000 gold for the capture, or information leading to the capture, of Pvt. Ghost still stands.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Is the End Neigh?

Sharn Inquisitive, Aryth 1st, 998

Its the end of the world, or so many residents of Sharn were thinking to themselves as they were caught up in a Dark Week like none other before it. 

Traditionally, for this week long holiday of the Sovereign Host, participants will dress up in sometimes horrific costumes, most notably are renditions of the Dark Six. These participants in the celebration use this week to let off steam and are known to cause minor mischief throughout the city for the 6 days leading up to the last day of Sepheros.  The morning of the last day is when participants dressed up as a god from the Sovereign Host, ‘drive’ out the remaining members of the Dark Six still found on the streets.  At least that's the way its supposed to happen.

There were 6 confirmed attacks by the organization known as the Emerald Claw, at residences and establishments around the city.  It seems the members of the Claw used glamours, slightly better than the street variety, to appear as members of the Dark Six to work their way into each establishment.   Once there, they began to attack the occupants.  One of the most notable attacks occurred at the Jade Lounge, owned by Luscious Cole, where members of the ‘Jade Blades’ were actually able to drive out the Dark Six themselves.  Other establishments were not so lucky.  One such establishment burned completely to the ground.

All told, some 138 people lost their lives during this years Dark Week celebration, 136 being accredited to acts of the Emerald Claw.

The Sharn guard has an active investigation into the acts of the Emerald Claw and as further information becomes available we will publish it here.