Saturday, October 13, 2007

Azure Room Destroyed By Fire

Sharn Inquisitive

Barrakas 26th, 998

EVERBRIGHT, SHARN - The Azure Room was destroyed by fire, in what appears to have been a random act of violence in the orderly Middle Menthis Plateau's Everbright district.  This recently opened restaurant, and night club, was a popular favorite of many affluent citizens.

Unfortunately, the fire spread so quickly throughout the restaurant that four people, presumably employees, did not have time to escape.  Watch Commander Levios Yrand has ordered an investigation into the fire and deaths.  The identity of the victims has not been determined at this time.  No other tower residents were hurt.

Yrand also praised the quick response of local shop owners who aided the local fire brigade by using arcane fire suppression techniques to contain the damage to just the Azure Room.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Q'Barra Connection - At The Ornath Home

Earlier in the day, the party had tried to meet with Kara’s husband, Greggor ir’Greymantle, at his estate in the Skyway district. That encounter did not turn up any new leads, except that Greggor was not in Sharn, but at another of his many holdings in Wroat.

The party is in the home of the Ornath family, where they were staying while gathering their bearings in the quest to discover who would want to bring about the birth of a new Tarrasque.

During the night assassins assaulted the home, and using demon allies, they very nearly destroyed the party. They did succeed in killing Kara’s father, Oster.

The high winds, only found in the upper towers of Sharn, can be felt whipping through the broken apartment windows with a gale like force.

Q'Barra Connection - The People

Player Characters

Gersi Bakker - kalashtar female. Devotee of the Path of Light and potentially the prophesied one to bring about the next Turn.

Elo (deceased) - human male; Sharn native and protector of Gersi Bakker. Killed by Greggor Greymantle while investigating his Skyway estate for evidence on why/how he was using Kara ir'Ornanth.

Bariq (deceased) - elven male; Valenar native who adventured with Gersi and Elo. Killed by Greggor Greymantle while investigating his Skyway estate for evidence on why/how he was using Kara ir'Ornanth.


Non-Player Characters

Kara ir'Ornath (ir’Greymantle) - human female; Wife of Greggor. Kara is wanted in Newthrone, Q'Barra, for the murder of a priest of the Silver Flame, Father Cagill. Kara is a known host for the demon Sszera Kan. She is currently in the company of the party while they attempt to discover the origins of her 'curse' and possession.

Greggor ir'Greymantle (d’Deneith) – human male; Husband of Kara. Greggor is known to be a rising son of House Deneith. Greggor holds a hereditary position in the Sharn Senate.

Oster ir'Ornath (deceased) human male - father of Kara ir’Ornath. Died sheltering Kara, and party members, at the family home.

Serrin Fassouma – gnome male; known associate of the party.

Sszera Kan - demon; Known to have possessed Kara ir’Ornath.

Alaris – human female; High Mage of Sharn. Past associate of Benhro Blackshard.

Elona Margulize - human female; Captain of the Sea Witch, a caravel type merchant vessel out of Adderport, Q'Barra. The Sea Witch was responsible for bringing the party to Sharn.

Mossok - minotaur male; First Lieutenant of the Sea Witch. Mossok only has a single horn, likes drinking, brawling and boasting - usually all at the same time. His favorite story is about telling how he lost his horn - though he rarely tells the same story twice. Somewhat overweight due to the amount of alcohol he insists he needs daily to ward off 'unhealthy spirits'.

Fenly - human male; Associate Librarian of Sharn.

Samir - human male; minor crime boss in Adderport, Q'Barra. Focused on drugs and prostitution. Owns the Gilded Lizard.

Minas Osgood - minotaur male; Captain of the merchant vessel the Weeping Lion.

Losha Ranos - human female; Extreme Explorer member of the Wayfarers Guild. Originally tasked with finding the Tarrasque Salts.

Mariana - human female; Apprentice to Benhro Blackshard. Once betrothed to Devenro Blackshard.

Oralla ir'Kesslan - human female; Lady Oralla ir’Kesslan is the widow of Trannus ir'Kesslan, cousin of King Sebastes ir'Kesslan (King of Q'Barra), and is currently the steward of Adderport- at least until King Sebastes can find her a suitable husband.

Cerollin the Strong - human male; Ex-Captain of the Guard in Adderport. Was arrested on the charges of murder of Davenro Blackshard and the kidnapping and rape of Mariana, but has since used 'favors' to get his name cleared. While stripped of rank, he is quite possibly in a stronger position than before as he is no longer in the public eye. Cerollin is also keeping an eye on the Blackshard Mining Company and looking for revenge against party members for his loss of public office and the loss of all those favors that he had accumulated.

Lodin the Hammer - human male; Promoted to Captain of the Guard in Adderport after the arrest of Cerollin. Loves gambling and games of chance, which might get him into trouble someday.


The Blackshard Family

Benhro - human male; Father of Benrahm and Dehvron (Deceased), Grandfather of Davenro (Deceased). Owns the Blackshard Mining Company, specializing in exporting dragon shards out of Q'Barra. Based out of Adderport, Q'Barra.

Benrahm - human male; Captain 'Black' Benrahm of the Black Company, an elite fighting force of the Second Naval Fleet of Newthrone, Q'Barra.

Fast Jack - warforged; Long time friend of Benhro from The War. Manages day to day operations of the Blackshard Mining Company. Fast Jack only has one arm, he lost the other in The War. He is not bloodkin, but he's been a constant companion of Benhro since before his sons were born.

Davenro (deceased) – human male; Grandson of Benhro. Betrothed to Mariana. Killed by Cerrolin and his body was dumped in the Deadman's Marsh, outside of Adderport, Q'Barra.


Benrahm's Company

First Sergeant Cho - human male; Bbn/Ftr.  Bastard Sword / Chain Mail

Sergeant One Thumb - human male; Ftr/Rog.  Longsword/Short Sword/Leather.

Private Stitch - human male; Clr.

Private Linnea  - half giant female; Ftr. Greatsword / Half Plate Mail / Heavy Crossbow.

Private Singer - human female; Rog. Mute. Longsword, Whip, Shortsword, Shortbow.

Private Angel - human male; Sor.  Longspear / Leather / Light Crossbow.

Private Beach - human male; Ftr.  Bastard Sword / Studded Leather / Heavy Crossbow.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Demonic Plague Reported in Brokenport

Korranberg Chronical
Barrakas 12th, 998

BROKENPORT, DARGUUN - There have been confirmed reports of an outbreak of demons which may have left many victims behind in a wake of death and destruction in the small coastal town of Brokenport.

The event began in the pre-dawn hours just 5 short days ago. Evidently, guests of an unnamed seaside inn woke to strange sounds coming from the common area. Upon investigation, they witnessed a pitched battle between the guests in the common room and what appeared to be a type of dretch. In horror, the guests saw the wholesale slaughter of those who remained in the common room.

Barely escaping with their lives back to their hired ship, the "Sea Witch". From the safety of the cove, they watched as the town began to burn before making the journey to Zilargo to replenish crew and supplies in Korranberg.

Cpt. Margelize (Sea Witch) confirmed the report, stating that she had a loss of 5 crew members and the near loss of her First Mate.

One witness of the attacks described the demons as fornicating with the bodies of those they had killed. When asked to describe this, one witness would only say 'Corpse fu**ers. They were corpse fu**ers.'

The account was given by the survivors to Associate Librarian Fenly (Korranberg Public Library) in their research to discover what the creatures were. The description of the creatures was corroborated with an unnamed spokesman for the Sovereign Host, confirming that they were indeed dretch.